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Recipe: Perfect Yakitori-style Chicken in a Frying Pan

Yakitori-style Chicken in a Frying Pan.

Yakitori-style Chicken in a Frying Pan You can cook Yakitori-style Chicken in a Frying Pan using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Yakitori-style Chicken in a Frying Pan

  1. It's of Chicken thighs.
  2. You need of White part of a Japanese leek.
  3. You need of leaves Lettuce.
  4. It's of Salt and pepper.
  5. Prepare of Katakuriko.
  6. Prepare of ● Soy sauce.
  7. It's of ●Mirin.
  8. You need of ●Sake.
  9. Prepare of ●Sugar.
  10. You need of ●Grated ginger.

Yakitori-style Chicken in a Frying Pan step by step

  1. Wash the lettuce, drain, and chill in the refrigerator. Cut the chicken into bite size pieces, season with salt and pepper, and lightly coat with katakuriko..
  2. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a frying pan. Spread the chicken in a pan and first cook for a minute over high heat. When the pan has warmed, turned down to medium and cook until crispy..
  3. Flip over the chicken and cover to let steam until it cooks through. Remove the lid and cook until the surface crisps. When cooked, blot excess oil with a paper towel..
  4. Add diagonally sliced white part of Japanese leek and mix in the ● ingredients. Once it has thickened from the katakuriko on the chicken, it's done..
  5. Wrap the chicken in lettuce with a little sauce, and enjoy..

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