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How to Make Yummy Tsukune Winter Melon Soup

Tsukune Winter Melon Soup.

Tsukune Winter Melon Soup You can cook Tsukune Winter Melon Soup using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Tsukune Winter Melon Soup

  1. You need of Winter melon.
  2. Prepare of Ground chicken thigh.
  3. You need of Kumquats (or eggs) (optional).
  4. Prepare of Ginger.
  5. It's of "A" seasonings.
  6. You need of Salt.
  7. You need of Katakuriko.
  8. Prepare of White pepper.
  9. It's of "B" seasonings.
  10. Prepare of Salt.
  11. It's of Cooking sake.
  12. You need of Toppings:.
  13. It's of Ginger.

Tsukune Winter Melon Soup instructions

  1. Thickly cut the winter melon..
  2. Mix the ground chicken thigh with the "A" seasonings..
  3. Form Step 2 into round balls..
  4. Boil in 500 ml of water..
  5. Add the winter melon and the "B" seasoning ingredients. It's done when the winter melon is translucent..

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