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Recipe: Appetizing Thai pork satay

Thai pork satay. Reviews for: Photos of Thai Pork Satay. Pork satay is popular street food in Thailand, where it is eaten as both a snack and an entree. You can make your own Thai pork satay at home on the grill or in the oven.

Thai pork satay Moo Ping is Thai-speak for Pork Satay. Marinated pork, skewered on sticks and grilled over hot coals. What is it about scarfing down these flavorful bits of grilled meat on a stick that tastes so good? You can cook Thai pork satay using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Thai pork satay

  1. It's of of mash peanut.
  2. It's of of coconut milk.
  3. Prepare of spoon of red curry paste.
  4. You need of of sugar.
  5. It's of spoon of fish sauce.
  6. Prepare of of slices pork.
  7. It's of of milk or coconut milk.
  8. Prepare of spoon of pepper.
  9. It's of of curry powder.
  10. You need of spoon of sugar.
  11. Prepare of spoon of oyster sauce.
  12. It's of spoon of light soy sauce.
  13. You need of of coconut milk for grazing when barbecue pork.
  14. It's of barbecue bamboo stick.

Classic street food that can be found all over Thailand: Satay and Peanut Sauce, you can use chicken or pork for this. When a fresh batch of pork satay sticks were laid on the grill, I could hear a symphony. Satay, an Indonesian snack food, gets main-course treatment with these tender pork skewers. Serve with steamed broccoli and rice, or cucumber salad sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds.

Thai pork satay step by step

  1. For making peanut sauce.
  2. In the medium heat add 1/2 c of coconut milk add red curry paste fry till coconut get red and produce oil at the surface.
  3. Add other 1/2 c of coconut milk and peanut keep stirring till thick add the rest of coconut and sugar end with fish sauce, but keep stirring till become smooth sauce. Used fist 5 ingredients..
  4. In the mixing bowl combined coconut milk, curry powder, pepper, sugar ,light soy sauce and oyster sauce mixed well.
  5. Add pork and marinated for 2 hours.
  6. Prepared 50 bamboo stick.
  7. Put pork on bamboo stick for barbecue.
  8. Medium high heat lay pork on barbecue keep grazing coconut milk while barbecuing till all side are cooked and served with peanut sauce..

Cook Satay sticks right along with your barbeque chicken or hamburger. This is an easier, and tastier method for making satay than people generally use in Thailand. Watch How To Cook Barbecued Thai Pork Satay from the world's leading how to specialist. Pork satay with thai spices and peanut sauce on banana leaf placed on the wood table. Thai Pork Satay, recipe, In a medium bowl, mix peanut butter, green onions, soy sauce, lemon juice, brown sugar, garlic, coriander, and cayenne pepper; add pork, and stir to coat.

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